Flight 93 National Memorial

Our family stopped at Flight 93 National Memorial when driving through Pennsylvania on our way home from our spring break Appalachian Trail backpacking trip. Located near the small town of Shanksville, this park serves to memorialize Flight 93 whose passengers thwarted an attack on the U.S. Capitol on 9/11/2001. The site of the crash is in a large field in the middle of the Pennsylvania countryside.  A wall has been built on the site with the engraved names of Flight 93’s crew and passengers. The surrounding area remains rural and makes it easy to imagine how chaotic and shocking the scene must have been on that horrible day.

This is the only National Memorial site I have ever been to that was honoring an event that happened not only in my lifetime but the kids’ as well, which made our visit especially poignant. The site invokes a feeling of reverence for the lives lost but is also inspiring in the message of hope left by the courage of the heroes of Flight 93.

Flight 93 National Memorial

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