It’s a NEW CAR!

Well, we finally bit the bullet and bought a new (to us) car. A friend of mine had told me about a company that sells Used Cars Hickory NC, but we managed to find a used car garage a little closer to home. I’m so please with our new car, it’s gorgeous! Our Dodge Durango had been a dependable part of our family but at almost 150,000 miles and countless road trip memories, it was starting to show its age. A few spots of rust had cropped up in the last two years, the driver’s seat leather was cracking, the air conditioner went out last summer during our road trip to Michigan, and the transmission was starting to slip. Repairing all this amounted to more mullah then the car was worth so we made the bittersweet decision to purchase a newer car to road trip in. When older cars start aging, they do start showing a number of problems that will need repairing. These repairs can cost a fortune, which is why it is sometimes better to just get rid of that old car. Whilst it can be difficult, you need to think about how excited you are to go and find your next car. I knew there were some Salina used cars dealerships about that my friend always goes to. She always seems to find affordable vehicles there, but we were lucky enough to find a dealership much closer to us. However, it is sometimes worth the drive to find the perfect car for a road trip!

Big Miles On Our Dodge Durango

This car had taken us all over the place! We drove it to the Grand Canyon, to the Everglades, to Glacier National Park and to Copper Harbor at the very tip top of Michigan’s upper peninsula. It took us to countless cross country meets, ballet recitals, Little League games and visits to friends’ houses. Our kids have grown up in this car and with all those memories, it’s tough to say good bye!

One of the few souvenirs we buy during our travels is a bumper sticker from where we’ve been and we had amassed quite a collection over the years. Preparing to trade her in, Dave and Garrett did the sentimental task of scraping off all the stickers. Luckily he saved the ones her could and plastered them on our recycle bin so we can still look at them.

Many Memories in Our Old Car

Many Memories in Our Old Car

Many Memories in Our Old Car

Trading in Our Old Durango

Dave researched (a ton!) and picked a Chevy Traverse as an ideal replacement for our beloved Durango and so the search began for the perfect one. Locating one in Louisville that fit the bill, off we drove the 100 miles and a deal was made. We really like our new car! Shiny and clean with all kinds of bells and whistles, she shows none of the wear that our old Durango did and I’m sure we will make tons of new wonderful road trip memories. I’ll be honest though, I still miss our old friend…

Our new Chevy Traverse: Got the Keys!

Garrett loves Our New (to us) Traverse

Isn’t it fun to get a new car? Happy Travels!

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