Running the New York City Marathon Part 3

New York City MarathonSince I hadn’t totally overdone it running the New York City Marathon the day before, I woke up only a little sore as the sun rose the next morning. But I was starving! I made some coffee and after watching Walking Dead from the night before, we quickly got ready and headed out to find a local diner since I wanted food RIGHT NOW and the kids definitely didn’t want me getting hangry!  Marathons make me crazy hungry the day after the race. After walking around Park Slope for a bit, we were relieved to come upon Daisey’s Diner, a cute nearby restaurant where we all filled up on delicious breakfasts. The food was plentiful and well seasoned, the bacon was crisp, the coffee was strong and my breakfast hit the spot. Phew, crisis averted! Our waitress was a salty character but gave good service so it was fine. We all enjoyed eating here and now we could face the day with more energy. So we headed out the door full and happy and walked to the closest subway station.Daisey's Diner in Park SlopeDaisey's Diner in Park SlopeDaisey's Diner in Park SlopeHopping on the subway, we headed to Manhattan since Naomi wanted to tour New York University, which by the way was amazing!  It would be unbelievable to go to college there.  Unbelievably expensive, too! From there we decided to wander around for a bit, checking out various sites and just taking it all in. We used both Laminated Streetwise Manhattan Map and Laminated Streetwise Map of Brooklyn to navigate which made it easy to get around.  I also brought along Fodor’s New York City 2016 which was a wealth of information. There is just so much to see in New York City.  We ended up heading to the New York Public Library on 5th Avenue and 42nd Street to see the lions Patience and Fortitude.  Sadly, we couldn’t go inside as a private event was taking place.Naomi Visits NYUNaomi Visits NYUNew York Public LibraryNext, we headed to a historic landmark as well as major transportation hub, Grand Central Terminal. Bustling with travelers, this place is full of energy and the immense main hall is unbelievably gorgeous. The constellations on the ceiling are truly spectacular. After wandering the beautiful building, we decided to find a place for lunch. With dozens of shops and places to eat it was hard to decide, but heading down to the Dining Concourse we settled on Junior’s for soup and the biggest club sandwiches I’ve ever seen and then picked up dessert to eat later at Magnolia Bakery where Naomi and I chose to split delicious Blondies and Brownies, Maya a blueberry cheesecake, and Sophie chose an apple crumble.Grand Central TerminalGrand Central TerminalGrand Central TerminalGrand Central TerminalGrand Central TerminalGrand Central TerminalGrand Central TerminalSince the weather was warm, we decided to hop on the subway and take our desserts to Central Park to eat outside.  Entering the park from the Upper East Side, we walked the entire width of the park enjoying the day before relaxing on a bench to eat our sweets. We strolled along the running path surrounding the reservoir, but even though it was busy with runners, I was sore enough that I definitely was not tempted to join them.Central ParkCentral ParkCentral ParkCentral ParkBy now it was late afternoon, but we still wanted to visit the American Museum of Natural History so we headed there next to spend an hour and a half touring the exhibits.  We were pleasantly surprised to find out there was no charge to enter since it was the last hour of the day. Knowing we didn’t have much time to look around before it closed, we chose just a few exhibits on Level One to focus on including the Cosmic Pathway, the Hall of North American Mammals, the Hall of Biodiversity, the Hall of Ocean Life and the Hall of Minerals.  What an awesome museum.American Museum of Natural HistoryAmerican Museum of Natural HistoryAmerican Museum of Natural HistoryAmerican Museum of Natural HistoryAmerican Museum of Natural HistoryAmerican Museum of Natural HistoryAmerican Museum of Natural HistoryAmerican Museum of Natural HistoryAmerican Museum of Natural HistoryAmerican Museum of Natural HistoryBy now we were pretty exhausted and felt like we had walked dozens of miles that day so we headed Strawberry Fields since Maya wanted to see it in her Beatles t-shirt and then to the closest subway station to get us back to Brooklyn.  And here we got to experience rush hour in New York City.  Wow! I cannot believe how many people manage to squeeze into one subway car! When we finally got to our stop we all managed to get out, but it was seriously tight. We headed into our apartment tired and happy and though sad to leave the next day, excited to see Dave, Garrett and Luna.Strawberry Fields

Waking up early, we headed out for one last delicious New York bagel at Bagel World before hitting the road for the long drive back to Cincinnati. We had an awesome time visiting New York City and packed so much in for a short visit. We can’t wait to get back.Bagel World, Park Slope, BrooklynBagel World, Park Slope, Brooklyn

Click Here For Part One and Part Two of our New York City trip for Marathon Weekend.

Have you ever visited New York City?  I’d love to hear about it!

Happy Travels!

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