Disney Princess Half Marathon Part 5 Garden View Tea and Epcot

Disney Princess Half Marathon Part 5 Garden View Lounge Tea and Epcot-

After running the Princess Half, Naomi and I grabbed our food boxes, water, and Poweraid they hand out post race and headed to the runDisney buses with our big shiny medals around our necks.  We only had to wait a couple minutes and a bus arrived to get us back to All Star Sports.  During the ride we noshed on snacks from our food box- I ate some trail mix, a banana and a piece of dark chocolate.  It was yummy. I was still hungry so we hit the food court when we arrived. I ordered the penne alfredo with chicken and vegetarian Naomi had the same thing just without the chicken.  Mine was different than I expected because the chicken was a fried breast cutlet.  I guess I was expecting grilled chicken. In any case, it was perfect for us because we were starving! When we got back to the room we contemplated taking a swim to hopefully help with sore muscles, but lethargy won out and we just took showers instead and took out time getting dressed.  My mom was here for the day so we were heading to the Grand Floridian to have tea at the Garden View Lounge Restaurant.

Garden View Lounge Tea

We took the resort bus to Magic Kingdom and then got on a monorail to get to the Grand Floridian Hotel.  This resort is beautiful!  We were a little early so we just sat in the lobby listening to live piano music and visiting with my mom in one of the sitting areas.  It was very relaxing. If it wasn’t so darn expensive, I would love to stay here!

Princess Half Marathon Grand Floridian Hotel Lobby

When we were seated for tea, we each ordered a pot. Naomi ordered the Princess Breakfast, I ordered the Oolong, and my mom ordered the Garden View blend.  They were all delicious and served in their own pretty tea pot with a Garden View tea cozy.  We then ordered a cheese plate, strawberries and cream, scones and English trifle. This was the perfect amount of food for us to share for a light meal or snack. Everything was delicious.

Disney Princess Half Marathon Garden View Lounge Tea

Naomi at Garden View Lounge Tea- Princess Half Marathon at Disney World

The English Trifle and Strawberries and Cream were especially delicious.  Both were served with whipped cream on top with the Grand Floridian initials in red sugar.  They were almost too beautiful to eat. But we managed.

Strawberries and Cream at Garden View Lounge Tea Disney Princess Half Marathon

All in all. this was a nice place for a quiet and relaxing light meal.  It felt very elegant and was perfect for the three of us since it was just us girls.  Going here was part of Naomi’s Christmas present and I am so glad we went.

Disney Princess Half Marathon Garden View Lounge Tea Party- Disney World

Epcot after the Disney Princess Half Marathon

Once finished, we headed to the monorail to take us to the ticket and transportation center to catch the Epcot monorail.  My mom had never been to Epcot so we were excited to show her around.  We first rode Spaceship Earth and then headed to Soarin.  This is one of my all time favorite rides and my mom enjoyed it too. You actually feel like you are flying! It is so exciting in a non-scary way.  Fast passes were gone for the day so we just waited standby. It only took about 20 minutes to get through the line and the time passed quickly as we chatted with a nice couple from New Jersey who wanted to know all about the race. We then explored the various countries throughout Epcot snacking along the way.  The fish and chips from Great Britain and the pastries from the French Bakery were especially delicious.  I also ate a dark chocolate caramel from a little shop in Germany. It. Was. Fabulous!  Finally, exhausted and full, we decided to head back to the hotel.  It was a wonderful day and a great celebration of Naomi’s accomplishment.

Read about the rest of our Disney Trip Here:

Part 1- All Star Sports

Part 2- Race Expo and Hollywood Studios

Part 3- Animal Kingdom and Boma

Part 4 -Race Day

Part 5- Garden View Tea and Epcot

Part 6- Epcot and Coral Reef

Part 7- Magic Kingdom

Part 8- Be Our Guest Restaurant

Have you been to the Garden View Tea Lounge?  I’d love to hear about your visit!

Happy Travels!

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