Canada National Parks Printable Checklist

Canada National Parks Printable Checklist

Exploring our amazing neighbor to the north? Check out our Canada National Parks printable checklist to give you ideas for adventures in some of the most stunning wilderness destinations in the world.Canada National Parks Printable ChecklistSo far, we have road tripped to only two Canadian National Parks- Waterton Peace Park just north of Montana’s Glacier National Park and Bruce Peninsula National Park on the shores of the awe inspiring crystal clear water of Lake Huron and the Georgian Bay. Both of these National Parks were A-MAZ-ING and I can’t wait to explore more of them.Canada National Parks Printable Checklist

Epic Road Trip to Canada’s National Parks

In fact, we are planning on visiting six more National Parks in Canada during our upcoming summer road trip through the United States and Canada. Covering over 11,000 miles and so many amazing United States and Canada National Parks (24 to be exact!), I CAN NOT wait to get going. You can read more about our upcoming trip here.

The Amazing Diversity of Canada National Parks

I had just returned home from our backpacking trip to Bruce Peninsula National Park when we started planning our itinerary for our summer road trip and based on how much we loved our visit to Canada, I knew we needed to include as many Canadian National Parks into our plans as possible. And once I started researching the National Parks of Canada, I was enthralled with the diversity and beauty of their park system.Canada National Parks Printable ChecklistWanting to visit as many Canadian National Parks as possible, I put together a Canada National Parks Printable Checklist so that I could keep track of which parks we have visited, and which parks are waiting to be explored. I can’t wait to visit them all!

Visiting Canada National Parks for FREE!

As luck would have it, Canada is currently celebrating their 150th birthday and is offering Discovery Passes for annual admission to all of Canada’s National Parks that will last for two full years. So our Discovery Pass bought this year, will last through all of 2017. Read more about it hereCanada National Parks Printable Checklist

Canada National Parks Printable Checklist

Head north to adventure in beautiful wilderness among wildlife found no where else. Canada has amazing national parks and I can’t wait to explore them all. To keep track of your adventures, click on the picture below to access our Canada National Parks Printable Checklist. Canada National Parks Printable Checklist

Hope you enjoy using our Canada National Park Checklist to keep track of your adventures. Check out the following resources to help plan your trip-

National Geographic’s Canada National Parks

National Parks of Canada

Great Canadian Parks

If looking for books about travel to Canada’s National Parks, you may enjoy National Geographic’s Guide to the National Parks of Canada which has been helpful in planning our upcoming road trip. I also ordered Lonely Planet Banff, Jasper and Glacier National Parks and preordered Moon Canadian Rockies which is coming out later this spring.

Happy Travels!

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