What I Learned Hiking the 100 Mile Wilderness

Once we left Katahdin Stream Campground, we faced our next challenge- hiking the 100 Mile Wilderness. While we have backpacked a lot, our longest trek has only been about 60 miles. So I knew that hiking the 100 Mile Wilderness would be a big challenge. And challenge it was! I am BEAT! But also exhilarated and joyful as getting through this part of the hike was an unforgettable adventure.100 Mile Wilderness The 100 Mile Wilderness is extremely remote, with spotty cell phone reception and no stores or other support. And it is also a really rough trail in many places with mud entrenched areas, roots and rocks covering any flat spots to hike on, and unrelenting ups and downs. And this time of year the mosquitoes and black flies are seriously brutal. The remoteness, rough trail, and swarming biting bugs sincerely challenged us!100 Mile Wilderness
100 Mile Wilderness
That being said, the 100 Mile Wilderness is also amazingly beautiful in the untouched nature of true wilderness. And the smack in the face aspect of taking this on at the beginning of our Appalachian Trail section hike is truly a blessing in the confidence it has given us for the future challenges we will come upon on our hike. 100 Mile Wilderness 100 Mile Wilderness 100 Mile Wilderness 100 Mile Wilderness

Things I Learned Hiking the 100 Mile Wilderness-

Southbounders Are Not Isolated!

I have been told countless times that we would be practically by ourselves heading south on the Appalachian Trail. Totally untrue! There are plenty of fellow southbounders out here with us and we’ve already developed friendships with many other hikers. In fact, we slept in totally full lean-tos several times already and there are always lots of tents set up at designated camping areas.100 Mile Wilderness 100 Mile Wilderness

The Bugs Truly Are Horrific in Early Summer-

I can not stress this enough. If you are hiking the 100 Mile Wilderness in June, bring out the big guns in bug deterrents! The biting flies and mosquitoes are insane!!!! We used both Picardin and Deet and while they helped we are still covered in bites. If possible, wear long sleeves and pants although we didn’t do this several days due to unseasonably warm temps in the 90s and have the bites to show for it. We spent several days in our Frog Togs to escape the relentless savagery of the biting bugs. Also- a head net is a must. The bugs flying around your head without it is enough to drive you batty! I’m serious, if you are heading into the 100 mile Wilderness in June, you absolutely need this stuff. 100 Mile Wilderness

Take Your Time-

Give yourself time to acclimate yourself to the daily challenge of hiking. Don’t overdue it packing in the miles! We made the mistake of pushing 18 Mile days at the beginning making our planned 10 day hike only 7 days and I was exhausted by the end of the 100 Mile Wilderness! If I was doing it again, I would slow down and take the time to swim in more of the  numerous beautiful ponds and creeks. There truly is no where like it.100 Mile Wilderness On that note, take the time to wring out your socks after fording the many rivers you will face. My feet were blister free until our last day in the 100 miles when I didn’t take the time to do this and my feet were a blistered mess after that 15 mile day. 100 Mile Wilderness

Think About a Food Drop-

We organized a food drop about half way through our hike through Shaw’s in Monson. They hand delivered our second 5 days worth of food on one of the few remote logging roads through the 100 Mile Wilderness at a time we scheduled with them. Only carrying 5 days food at a time was a God send. And Shaw’s gave us the additional blessing of an ice cold coke with our food drop! NOTHING has ever tasted so refreshing!100 Mile Wilderness 100 Mile Wilderness

You Can’t Imagine How Bad You Can Smell-

Not gonna elaborate too much on this, but I have NEVER needed a shower and clean clothes as bad as I did after the 100 Mile Wilderness. I had no idea I could get so disgusting in one weeks time! I’d like to think it was the excessive hot weather we experienced there, but who knows? Even though we jumped in ponds and streams regularly, we still were a stinky mess when heading into Monson. 100 Mile Wilderness 100 Mile Wilderness

Rest Up When Done-

We emerged from the wilderness 114.5 miles into our hike elated but exhausted and taking a zero day at Shaw’s Hiker Hostel the following day was indescribable in its blissfullness! Shaw’s owners- Poet and Hippy Chick are former Appalachian Trail thru hikers who know EXACTLY what hikers need when they emerge from the woods. Hot showers, laundry, welcoming atmosphere and the best breakfast a hungry hiker could hope for were an awesome blessing to our tired bodies. I can’t thank them enough for their support and kindness to every hiker who passes through. Shaw's Hiker HostelShaw's Hiker Hostel Shaw's Hiker Hostel So, long story short. We made it out of the 100 Mile Wilderness bruised and sore but ready for more! I’m taking a couple of days off to head to Ottawa to pick up Sophie as she finishes up her internship and joins us for a couple of weeks on the trail. But 115 miles of our Section Hike is already in the books!

100 Mile Wilderness 100 Mile Wilderness 100 Mile Wilderness 100 Mile Wilderness

As Always, Happy Trails!

P.S. We have our trail names! I’m Early Bird. Maya is Whoopsie. And Naomi is Roaming Gnome. Fitting for sure. Read more about this cool Appalachian Trail tradition here.

100 Mile Wilderness

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2 replies on “What I Learned Hiking the 100 Mile Wilderness”
  1. says: Randi Eastland

    You girls are awesome and inspiring! What is the story behind the hiking nicknames? Is that an AT thing?

  2. says: Caroline

    What fun! Books about thru-hikes are some of my favorite to read so I am really enjoying your posts about the AT. Happy trails!

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