Colorado National Monument

Colorado National Monument

Renting an RV from Cruise America allowed us to comfortably tour the National Parks of Colorado. You can read our full review of Cruise America rental RVs here. You can also view our entire 3,200 mile Summer road trip itinerary to Colorado and Utah by clicking here.

After our whitewater rafting trip in Dinosaur National Monument we headed to Ogden, Utah to visit Dave’s Aunt B.J. and Uncle Steve where we spent several wonderful days with them at their beautiful home in the mountains.  They were amazing hosts and we all loved seeing them. I love when we get to visit family on road trips!

Visiting Aunt B.J. and Uncle Steve in Ogden, Utah

Visiting Aunt B.J. and Uncle Steve in Ogden, Utah

Visiting Aunt B.J. and Uncle Steve in Ogden, Utah

Visiting Aunt B.J. and Uncle Steve in Ogden, Utah

Visiting Aunt B.J. and Uncle Steve in Ogden, Utah

Cruise America RV

Colorado National Monument

Sad to leave Ogden, we loaded back up in the RV and then headed south back into Colorado where we camped at James M. Robb Colorado River State Park. Throughout our RV adventure we found the state parks of Colorado to be wonderful and this park was no exception.  The campground featured nice level sites with covered picnic benches, a fun playground, a running path, large clean bathrooms and showers all close to Colorado National Monument.  We had a great time camping here! We played on the playground, took a nice run on the paths and thoroughly enjoyed our site.

James M. Robb Colorado River State Park

James M. Robb Colorado River State Park

James M. Robb Colorado River State Park

Colorado River State Park

Eating Dinner at James M. Robb Colorado River State Park

Canyon Rim Trail Colorado National Monument

The next morning we broke camp and headed into Colorado National Monument for the day.  This park is a hidden treasure!  It was not crowded at all during our visit and it is a beautiful park.  Our first stop was at the Visitor Center where we watched the park movie.  Here we also picked up a park map and Junior Ranger booklets and also got advice from the park rangers about how best to spend our day. Their advice was to take the Rim Rock Scenic Drive, hike the Canyon Rim Trail and also check out an Explorer Backpack for the kids.  Sounded good to us so after checking out the backpack, off we went on our hike.

Canyon Rim Trail in Colorado National Monument

Canyon Rim Trail in Colorado National Monument

Canyon Rim Trail in Colorado National Monument

Canyon Rim Trail in Colorado National Monument

The entire trail was only a mile or so and it was a flat and easy hike rewarded with beautiful views!  Every time I am in Utah and this part of Colorado I notice the contrast in colors all around and this was no exception. The sky was bright blue next to the orange and brown rock with spots of green all around. It is vibrant and beautiful.  The Explorers Backpack was a lot of fun too! Maya was really proud to carry it and liked being in charge of the plant and animal guide, magnifying glass, binoculars, journal and thermometer. It was a fun way for the kids to explore on the trail. We hiked to Book Cliff View where we took a nice break in the shade of the shelter before heading back to the trail head.

Canyon Rim Trail in Colorado National Monument

Canyon Rim Trail in Colorado National Monument

Canyon Rim Trail in Colorado National Monument

Canyon Rim Trail in Colorado National Monument

Colorado National Monument Junior Ranger

During our hike the kids also took breaks to work on their Junior Ranger booklet so were ready to turn them in for their badges when we returned the Explorer’s Backpack at the Visitor Center.  The rangers here had hats for them to wear while they took the Junior Ranger pledge. I love the Junior Ranger Program at National Parks! Not only do the kids learn a great deal, they get a free souvenir!  In fact, we have a hat that we attach a Junior Ranger Badge from each park we visit that is one of my most favorite family possessions.

Colorado National Monument Sophie Working on the Junior Ranger Booklet

Colorado National Monument Junior Rangers

Colorado National Monument Junior Rangers

Colorado National Monument Junior Rangers

We next took a long lunch break at the picnic area near the Visitor Center where we grilled burgers on the provided charcoal grills and the kids entertained us with table top “dancing shows.” I never want these kiddos outgrow being so silly!

Picnic in Colorado National Monument

Picnic in Colorado National Monument

Colorado Monument "Dancing Show"

Rim Rock Drive Colorado National Monument

After eating we finished driving the scenic Rim Rock Drive which was full of gorgeous views before leaving the park.  You can see a great deal at this park in only one day and a stop here is well worth your time.  We had a fabulous time and can’t wait to go back!  We would love to bike the Rim Rock Drive on our next visit!

Colorado National Monument

Colorado National Monument

Rim Rock Drive Colorado National Monument

Colorado National Monument is a hidden treasure in the National Park System.  If you are in the area, you should definitely check it out.

Have you been to Colorado National Monument? I’d love to hear about your visit!

Happy Travels!

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3 replies on “Colorado National Monument”
  1. says: Susan Smith

    Did you drive your motorhome through Colorado National Monument. Any trouble with the tunnel or the roads. We have a class A just wondering if we should try to drive in their.

  2. We visited Colorado National Monument last year and loved it. You’re so right that it is a hidden treasure. It was also surprising to not see many people there. I’m glad your kids enjoyed the Explorer Backpack too. This was the only park we’ve visited that had this so far. We stopped so many times along Rim Rock Drive too to see those beautiful rock formations.

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