Book Review of The Lost Girls

Book Review of The Lost Girls

Book Review of The Lost Girls – Three Friends, Four Continents, One Unconventional Detour Around the World

Book Review of The Lost GirlsI just finished reading a super fun and also super inspirational book that I would recommend to anyone who loves to travel. And also anyone who loves their friends. Because this book is about both! I know that there are a lot of book review blogs out there so there will certainly be a lot of opinions of this book but all opinions in this post are my own. I love reading and being able to discuss each book is a passion of mine so I hope you enjoy my thoughts! So here is my book review of The Lost Girls : Three Friends. Four Continents. One Unconventional Detour Around the World by Jennifer Baggett, Holly Corbett and Amanda Pressner. I’m warning you though, you may just be infected with serious wanderlust after reading about their adventures around the world. Because when they decided to travel, they went all in and journeyed to four continents and over 60,000 miles.

Although this book is a few years old, it was written in 2010, I just picked it up at my local library and once I started reading it, I couldn’t put it down. It tells the true story of the authors’ decision to quit their New York City media jobs to travel the world together for a full year after realizing that there might just be more out there in the big wide world for them. Kind of like Eat, Pray, Love, but from slightly younger voices and experiences. The three authors take turns telling about their year of travel by writing separate chapters which allows us to read several different perspectives. I like that they also tell about their mishaps and conflicts without sugar coating it. Because as all travelers know, it ain’t that glamorous a LOT of the time.

The authors are young and The Lost Girls is told from the perspective of travelers in their twenties, but I could still relate even though I am ahem, NOT a twenty something. And it made me long for adventures like this with my own girlfriends and also hope my kids make travel a priority as they go off into the world. And the authors’ wide eyed naivete and also their regular affinity to find a party is expected of a twenty something off to see the world. Yet at the same time they each hope to better the world they are living in and their introspection is refreshing. I also appreciated their honest and candid representations of feeling homesick even though they loved traveling. For me, this is a regular conflict and I am always feeling that the more places I venture to, the more places I yearn to go back to and then I miss the places I’ve been terribly with a true ache in my soul. So this bittersweet feeling of wanting to be in more than one place at the same time resonated with me.

From Brazil to Kenya to India to Vietnam to New Zealand, The Lost Girls experience enviable adventures on their trip around the world and I am glad they decided to write about them so I could live vicariously through them! I really think anyone who loves to travel will enjoy this book.

You can read more about The Lost Girls’ adventures on their blog: The Lost Girls which not only has some awesome travel stories but also well written articles about the practical side of traveling including how to build up savings in order to travel and even how to earn money while traveling. It is a great resource.

What’s your favorite travel book? I’m always looking for inspiration so I’d love to hear about it!

Happy Travels!

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