Adventure Van Travels – A Quick Stop at the Grand Canyon

We hated to leave Zion, but headed out early because we had a super busy day planned. Megan and Aubrey were leaving us and flying out from Las Vegas the next morning. But since neither of them had seen the Grand Canyon before, we decided to stop there on the way to Vegas.  Since we didn’t have a lot of time, we stopped first at the Grand Canyon Lodge and then took the short trail to the various overlooks for amazing views of one of my favorite places on earth.       We decided to head down the North Kaibab trail for old times sake. We just hiked the 0.7 miles to the Coconino Overlook, which in the excessive afternoon heat was enough. But it reminded me of what a great experience our rim to rim hike a few years ago was. I just wish there wasn’t so much mule poop on the trail!   We then hit the road for Vegas, with a short pit stop at Jacob Lake Inn for cookies that are to die for (we bought one of each!) and at Pipe Springs National Monument which was interesting and well worth our time.   By the time we pulled into Vegas, I was beat. But then we found out that since Bessie doesn’t have electric hook ups, we weren’t able to stay at the KOA because of a city ordinance. It all worked out though because we booked a Hampton Inn suite through Hotwire, ordered pizza and all took much needed showers. And sleeping in an air conditioned comfortable room was pretty amazing.   Happy Travels!


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One reply on “Adventure Van Travels – A Quick Stop at the Grand Canyon”
  1. says: Caroline

    I love that you have taken friends on this adventure and also that you are traveling the country with a van full of teenagers. You are my hero. I love readying your updates every day. 🙂 Continued safe travels!

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