Adventure Van Travels – Climbing Whistler Peak

A few things we learned from hiking Whistler Peak in Jasper National Park. 1- Bring bear spray! We saw lots of bear scat near the trail. 2- Have a jacket and rain gear. The weather changed drastically during our hike. 3- Bring money. It was a nice treat to eat a snack at the tramway restaurant at the peak. And most importantly 4- maps in Canada are in METERS when describing elevation change. So the 1200 feet change I thought we were hiking was actually 1200 meters, which is ALOT different. Haha. adventure vanadventure vanNo worries, I wouldn’t change anything about this hike. It was beautiful to hike through varying terrain and I liked saving the 40 bucks a person by walking up the peak instead of taking the gondola. And the view from the top? AMAZING!
adventure vanadventure vanadventure vanadventure vanadventure vanadventure vanadventure vanadventure vanadventure vanadventure vanadventure vanOnce done, we hiked back to our site at Whistler, showered and relaxed, reading under our tarp while rain poured down. It was a great day in Jasper! 

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2 replies on “Adventure Van Travels – Climbing Whistler Peak”
  1. says: Tanya

    Fabulous! How far are you from the ski area? Raining here in Alabama too. Means the gulf waters and the beach are all the same temp. Wet & Wet!

    1. says: Tricia

      I’m not sure how far the ski area was from Whistler. I remember seeing a sign, so I think it is pretty close. Hope your weather in Alabama improves!

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